Volunteer Sign Up

Nov 20,10:30 Thank you to all the good people stepping up to help!

Jobs needing volunteers:
1 finish area crew member
1 more pace sign holder (can be a runner)

Email Gene at runlawrence@gmail.com, or call 785-841-3587.

In order to assist you in deciding where you are best suited to volunteer in the T-Day race this year, we have developed the following guidelines.  

First, there are two broad categories:  Indoors and Outdoors

Indoors Wednesday

These jobs are for those who prefer to stay warm and dry during their service. But that doesn’t mean they are easy – you should carefully decide which task fits your personality type best.
If you always follow the Boy Scout Motto “Be Prepared” and do not like to leave things for the last minute, consider the following jobs:


2 pm - 6 pm
Held Wednesday, November 22 in the afternoon at Ad Astra Running.  A working knowledge of the English alphabet is helpful.


A pick-up literally is useful, but not essential.  Also a desire to do some heavy lifting, as in boxes of fresh fruit and cases of bottled water. These are to be delivered to Woodlawn School Wednesday evening.


This would be a great job for the passive-aggressive type who likes to tell people where to go but wishes to avoid directly telling them.  If several persons are vying for this job, height will be considered an advantage. This will be done in Woodlawn School on Wednesday evening.


Indoors Thursday

These jobs are all basically for wimps, i.e. those who cringe at the thought of getting their little toesies or fingers cold working outside in November.


(all jobs filled) - A working knowledge of the alphabet is useful.  Really, that’s about all it takes folks. Well, there's always the little problem of someone wanting to pick up their packet, but there is no packet under that name. After verifying that they did not indeed enter the Witness Protection Program and change their name since they registered, there will be an unfortunate soul running around who unknowingly selected the volunteer shirt with "Race Director" printed on the back to refer them to.


(all jobs filled) - Here, it can get interesting if you are the dramatic type – will the guy who runs in with five minutes to spare before gun time really be able to get registered and get to the start line on time?  Actually, we already have a great day of registration crew and anyone who wants to join them will have to get special permission from Molly.

Clothing Bag Drop Table

Need 2 volunteers - Two-three people to collect clothing bags for storage during the run. Keep in order for easy retrieval.

If you are the nurturing type, please consider being on the . . .


Need 1 more volunteer - These people need only a basic understanding of fractions i.e., to half a banana means to cut it into two pieces, to quarter an orange means to cut it into four pieces.  You should also be prepared to prove that you can be trusted with sharp objects, such as knives.  This job involves getting to the school before the crack of dawn to prepare and put out all the race refreshments in the school cafeteria.

If you are more of the warm & fuzzy positive reinforcement type, please consider volunteering for the


These people get to meet and greet all the excited happy award winners and hand them a lovely medal. There are just no negatives to this job until you realize you gave the woman the 2nd overall prize when she should have gotten the 2nd in her age group prize! This will require some "splainin" when the real 2nd overall winner arrives.


There will be a table where we will sell shirts and miscellaneous items left over from previous years.   This job will involve handling cash, again explaining the Neanderthal thing about no plastic.  This should be a warm and cozy job that hopefully results in fewer boxes of old stuff in my basement.





Now for those wonderful OUTDOOR (sun or rain or sleet or snow) jobs.

1 volunteer - flag bearer for national anthem


In 2018 we are again trying to be more environmentally friendly and will be recycling plastic water bottles. We need an individual or two with a pick-up truck who can pick up recycling containers from the City on Wednesday and set them up at various locations on the school grounds. Then we need the same, or another set, of volunteers to collect the filled containers after the event and deliver the bottles to a recycling site and return the containers to the City the following day. Maybe a community service project for a student or Scout?


Need 1 volunteer - Due to the size of our event, we will employ (in the non-monetary sense) five or six workers holding minutes per mile signs to stand at pre-ordained spots in the start area so that runners will place themselves fastest runners closest to the start line - i.e., 5:30 min./milers first, then 6:30 min./milers all the way back to the baby strollers and walkers. This job is for those who not only like to have their ducks in a row, but also lined up according to pace - from the flyers back to the waddlers.


This is probably the toughest job of all and is only for those who don’t mind getting cold AND wet.  You actually have to smile warmly at the runners as they run by and grab a cup of water, splashing at least half of it on you in the process.  Some may actually spill it all on your feet and then grab for another one.  Historically it is below freezing and the spilled water immediately freezes making all the filled cups and bottles want to slide off the table. All in all, probably not the best way to spend your Thanksgiving Day morning; however, our experienced crew leaders are almost guaranteed to make it fun.


Need 2 more volunteers - If you are the tough drill sergeant type who loves to directly tell people where to go, a course marshal position is ideal.  We need lots of these and as a special added inducement, you get to wear one of those flashy orange vests that scream “I’m in charge here”!  Great fun and ego trip for an hour.


Need 1 volunteer - Missed the Tour de France this year? Need two volunteers with bikes and flashing lights to lead the runners through the course (without getting lost). There will be a speed bump labeled "L'Alp d'Huez" on the far side of the route. Must keep ahead of the first runner by 20 yards or so at all times.


Need 1 volunteer - With the chip timing system, a lot of the fun jobs like tearing off the sweaty tags of runners who are trying to barf are no longer needed. However, if you love excitement and want to be part of the action at the finish line without the effort of actually running the event, you can assist the Race Day Timing crew moving parrticipants through and beyond the finish line. Need help setting up the start and finish line mats.


If you are an expert in electronic sound systems (or not) we need a couple assistants to help our DJ set up and move around (heavy lifters preferred) his equipment.  This requires an early arrival Thursday morning.


If you are a procrastinator and likely will oversleep and arrive late, there is still a volunteer opportunity in the tear down and clean up area.  No special skills required but it would be preferable if you showed up  before the last runner finishes.

If any of the above sounds like just your thing for the afternoon before Thanksgiving or for your early Thanksgiving Day morning, please give me a call or e-mail.

All volunteers will receive a souvenir long-sleeve shirt and will be eligible for a drawing for several local business gift certificates.

Thank you!
Dee Boeck
Race Director