Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, March 1, 2020

(approved June 7, 2020)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present:  Molly Wood, Brenda Groskinsky, John Hutchinson, David Baldwin, Gene Wee, Doug Hewitt, Alice Hewitt, Dee Boeck, Karen Hyde, Becky McClure

The February minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved with a minor revision in the amount awarded to each elementary school marathon club.

Gene presented the treasurer's report and circulated the latest bank statement indicating a balance of $22,248.25.  Payments have been made to all the beneficiaries of the T-Day run although not all have cashed their checks.

Election of officers was the next item of business.  A slate of officers including President:  Brenda Groskinsky; Vice President:  Becky McClure; Secretary:  Kara Baden; Treasurer:  Matt O'Reilly; Race Director:  Dee Boeck, was nominated.  Molly moved the slate be accepted and approved; Doug 2nd, and the slate was unanimously approved.  Congratulations to new and returning officers!


There was a brief discussion regarding the city's revision of its right-of-way permit process.  Several members indicated they are keeping abreast of this issue and have attended committee meetings and public meetings and will continue to keep involved in making the club's interests, particularly as concern the Thanksgiving Day 5K, are kept in consideration as these new policies are formulated.

Brenda and Dee announced that they had attended two community gatherings involving topics of interest, including networking among non-profit organizations with overlapping goals including health promotion, and equity and diversity issues.  Anyone wanting to delve deeper into these issues as they relate to runLawrence should contact Brenda or Dee.

There was a brief discussion regarding scheduling our annual picnic (usually in August) and club members were reminded to think about and consider nominating a person for outstanding club member of the year to be recognized at the annual picnic.  This can be done by sending a brief nominating paragraph to the president.

The next club meeting will be at 4:30 pm on Sunday, April 5 in Meeting Room B at the Library.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Submitted by Dee Boeck
Acting Secretary