Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, Sept 8, 2019

(approved Oct 6, 2019)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Members present:  John Huchingson, Janet Huchingson, Becky McClure, Gene Wee, Don Cackler, Lori Cackler, Karen Hyde, Dee Boeck, Brenda Groskinsky

The meeting was called to order by President Brenda Groskinsky.  June (our last meeting) minutes were reviewed; Lori moved to accept the minutes as submitted, Karen seconded, passed unanimously.

Brenda told us how she had spent most of the weekend out at Clinton Lake where the Kansas RRCA State Ultra Championship event was held.  Sounds like those ultra trail runners really know how to have a good time!!

Treasurer Gene Wee gave an itemization of income and expenses for the past two months and announced a current balance of $6,730.28  Income has come from memberships, T-day run sponsor payments and equipment rental.  Payments include T-day run expenses and club picnic caterer.

A sign up sheet was passed around for club members to distribute T-day run posters to all sponsors.

It was announced that more course marshals will be needed this year due to the need to keep watch on driveways.




The buffs which will be the giveaway this year and are being manufactured and we expect to receive them in plenty of time.  Also, VanGo is hard at work crafting the awards which will be particularly lovely this year from looking at the prototypes.

The majority of time at this meeting was devoted to a presentation by President Brenda of a Runner's Safety Training course which she developed and presented at the last RRCA National Convention.  Those in attendance found this to be a fascinating presentation as she encouraged us to get in the mindset of vehicle drivers and try to understand why they often just "don't see" runners on the road.  Just asserting our "right" to be on the road is not a winning proposition when dealing with motor vehicles.  Instead, we must anticipate the dangers we face being out there with them and actively minimize the chance of a close encounter.

Brenda recommended the very readable book "Traffic - Why We Drive The Way We Do" by Tom Vanderbilt as a valuable resource.

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by,
Dee Boeck