Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, May 5, 2019

(approved June 30, 2019)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present:  Janet Huchingson, John Huchingson, Brenda Groskinsky, Walter Olker, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck

April minutes were reviewed and approved - Dee moving and John seconding.  Passed unanimously.

Gene gave the treasurer's report.  The only change from last month was some income from new and renewing memberships, giving a balance of $11,678.23.

Gene reported on a meeting he, Brenda and Dee had with the owners of Happy Shirts Printing Co.  We discussed how we could cooperate for mutual benefit.  runLawence members will be given a 15% discount on Happy Shirts purchases so if you are in need of shirts or any other promotional materials for a family reunion, youth sports team, etc, be sure to check them out.  We will also be looking into obtaining some items of clothing with the runLawrence logo for sale to club members.

Dee suggested coming up with a small poster to give to Thanksgiving Day 5K sponsors highlighting the Douglas County Health Champions award which was received this spring.

Gene provided assistance with club equipment rental to the Skyline Shuffle run this morning which netted $56 for the treasury.


Brenda informed the club about a Victory Run being put on by the KC Sporting soccer organization.  This raises funds for children with cancer.  Brenda's daughter is involved in putting on this event and Brenda also informed club members about volunteer opportunities at the soccer games which would result in free admission to the games.  Contact her for more information.

The club designates an annual outstanding club member.  Club members are urged to nominate someone who they feel has done an outstanding job promoting the club.  Just send an e-mail to President Brenda with a supporting paragraph.

There was discussion as the best location and time to offer Brenda's Runner's Safety presentation.  It was agreed that this is a popular topic and that the best location would be the theater room at the library.  Gene and Brenda will look into availability of the room and aim for a June or July evening presentation.

There was discussion about the desirability of the club having more social events as well as more presentations of interest to runners.  It might be desirable to have fewer business board meetings and more informational, social type gatherings.  The need, of course, is for volunteers to step up and offer to organize one or more of these.  Please speak up if you have an idea!

The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Dee Boeck in the absence of the Secretary