Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, June 30, 2019

(approved Sept. 8, 2019)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present:  Don Cackler, Lori Cackler, John Huchingson, Janet Huchingson, Brenda Groskinsky., Karen Hyde, Gene Wee, Dee Boeck, Becky McClure, Molly Wood.

President Brenda called the meeting to order.

The May minutes were reviewed.  Brenda clarified her recommendations about meetings, with possibly quarterly board business meetings and the others more social events.  Don moved to accept; Molly seconded and it passed unanimously.

Gene gave the treasurer's report noting expenses and income for the past two moths.  The account balance is $11,647.39.  Dee moved the report be accepted; John seconded, unanimously approved.

After discussion, it was agreed that our annual club picnic will again be held in August in lieu of our normal meeting.  It will be Sunday, August 4 from 5 - 7 pm at the Union Pacific Depot in north Lawrence.  We will have Mr. Bacon cater it once again.  Those attending with a last name from A - H are asked to bring a dessert and those with last name from I - Z should bring a side or veggie main dish.  It was decided that we will obtain a liquor permit from the city for $25 so those who wish to bring alcohol can do so.  A notice will be sent to all club members with an RSVP due by July 30.

The outstanding club member of the year will be announced at the picnic and will be presented with a $50 gift card from the Downtown Lawrence Association and a certificate.  Nominations must  be e-mailed to Brenda for consideration by the Board by July 14.

The next item discussed was the Thanksgiving Day 5K.  It was announced that the give-away this year will be buffs and samples of the fabric and the design were passed around. (Janet has dibbs on the blue & white ski one which was provided us as a sample.)  Gene has provided artwork to the company and they will be ordered soon.






Gene indicated he has been working with the City regarding the necessary street event permit.  The City is  in the process of revamping its permit process and Gene will be working closely with them.  He is also working on refining the course so so as to avoid a possible muddy stretch if it is wet.

We have produced a nice small poster to give to all sponsors to display.  Dee announced she has contacted all our previous sponsors as well as having sent out requests to several new prospective sponsors.  She is accepting all suggestions for new sponsors.

It was indicated we will be using more water coolers & cups this year in an effort to cut down on the use of bottled water.  Fortunately, the Woodlawn PTO has several we can use.

Brenda talked about efforts she has made to get her presentation on runner safety scheduled.  After some discussion, it was decided that she will present this class to club members at an upcoming meeting and then a public presentation will be scheduled in the fall when the students are back and we have more time to publicize it.  The library and the hospital auditoriums were noted as possible locations.  Brenda will continue to research this.

Janet, who maintains the club library, brought in a book by Hal Higdon in which he interviews 75 runners who were running the Boston Marathon in 2013 when a terrorist's bomb exploded at the finish line.  This is available for club members to read.

It was noted that long time club members Don and Lori Cackler are celebrating their 50th anniversary this fall - Congratulations!

The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by,
Dee Boeck