Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, April 7, 2019

(approved May 5, 2019)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library

Present: Brenda Groskinsky, Gene Wee, Molly Wood, Don and Lori Cackler, and Karen Hyde

Brenda called the meeting to order.

We reviewed the March minutes. Gene moved to accept the minutes as written; Don seconded, and all approved.

Gene gave the treasurer’s report. The club’s balance at the end of March was $11,593.23. All of the recipients of donations from the Thanksgiving Day run have cashed their checks. A full treasurer’s report is available on the runLawrence website in the “About us” section.

We looked at an estimated budget for income and expenses that Gene had prepared for 2019. Gene stated that the expenses listed in the document ($2,865.49 for 2018 and $2,900.00 estimated for 2019) includes annual dues, insurance and the cost to send members to the RRCA annual conference. The document that Gene prepared can be viewed on the runLawrence website in the “About us” section.

Brenda reported briefly on the insurance meeting at the RRCA conference. She mentioned that RRCA adamantly suggests that we have a designated person at our race to tell individuals with strollers to start at the back and to tell individuals that dogs are not allowed. This is above and beyond stating these prohibitions on the entry form and making a statement to the group at large. RRCA also says that we should not allow drones near any portion of the race.

Brenda also reported that she gave a presentation at the RRCA convention over runners’ safety. She proposed that runLawrence host a public presentation of the course,

possibly in the Lawrence Public Library auditorium. Her course is designed to get runners to look at their running habits and to consider whether their habits compromise their safety. She also presents information about drivers’ habits and statistics from the Dept. of Transportation about accidents. Molly suggested inviting the people who
organize the marathon clubs and coaches from the high schools and middle schools. Gene will check to arrange a room at the library or the hospital. The group discussed the desire to hold the event at a ‘neutral’ site rather than at either of the local running stores.

We discussed Heather’s request that the club hold periodic group runs. The consensus of the group was that there are already several runs that take place weekly among members and through other groups and that the times and meeting places are either posted on the runLawrence website or distributed via email to anyone who wishes to join. (i.e. Molly’s Saturday morning runs) No further action was taken at this meeting.

Brenda suggested that the club consider having business meetings on a quarterly schedule (with more meetings near the T-day race time) and that we have more social events on the off months. She hopes to investigate members’ interest in this idea at a future meeting.

The members present accepted Karen’s resignation from the office of secretary. As of now, no club member has accepted a nomination for the position.

The meeting was unanimously adjourned.

The next club meeting will be Sunday, May 5th at 4:30 pm at the Lawrence Public Library.

Submitted by Karen Hyde