Club Meeting Minutes
Sun, February 11, 2018

(approved Mar 11, 2018)

4:30 pm, Lawrence Public Library, Room B

Present – Dee Boeck, Gene Wee, Dan Kuhlman, John Huchingson, Brenda Groskinsky, Becky McClure, Karen Hyde, Lori and Don Cackler

As part of the club’s “board member for a day” opportunity, Don served as president for the day, Brenda served as secretary for the day (with Karen’s help), and Dee served as treasurer for the day.  Becky remained as vice president.

Becky moved, Gene seconded, and all approved last month’s minutes.  Dee gave the treasurer’s report stating the current club account balance is $27,944.99.  New income was added from Ad Astra’s use of our equipment.  We paid the RaceDay Timing Solutions deposit for next year’s race and also paid the chocolate milk bill from the 2017 Thanksgiving Day Race.  Several members (Brenda, Gene and Lori Lange) were reimbursed for their attendance at the Race Directors Conference held in KC. Payment to the marathon clubs was approved.  Payment process for the marathon clubs is summarized in a recent email sent by Elizabeth.

Brenda has been asked to give a presentation on running club strategic planning methods at the national 2018 RRCA convention in April. Brenda asked the club members present what they thought was useful in the strategic planning process that runLawrence used last year.  Comments included - Lori mentioned that we kicked off the process at the annual club gathering Aug. and that participants were in a contemplative mood. Gene stated that the process helped us to clarify what we stand for and what we actually do. Becky commented that the conversation was kept on a positive track. Don noticed that everyone was able to contribute their input. Overall the process was positive.

Race Directors’ Conference report out – The conference was held at Crown Center in KC, MO and facilitated by the Hospital Hill Run’s race director, Beth Salinger. Her point was that participants needed to be drawn into a race so that they can be given an experience while noting that accuracy of timing and distances, as well as an overall good event was still important. Several speakers provided interesting information on their experiences. Back in the ’70’s the majority of the racers were male.  Now most races on average 60% female.  Brenda noted that most of the conference participants were using for profit mechanisms to facilitate races (vs. nonprofit race direction). 


Brenda suggested that runLawrence develop a reward process for non-board members who provide significant benefit to the club and the community.  Brenda recommended that we formalize a process for nomination, selection and award specifics.  It was proposed that any member of the club could submit a nomination w/ a few lines of explanation, and board members would vote on the nomination and finalize the award.  It was suggested that we have an annual award process starting this year.  It was recommended that nominations be submitted (before or by the end of) June.  Recognitions of awards will occur at runLawrence’s annual Aug. picnic. Brenda will write up a proposed process and the board will formally vote on the final process.

Brenda proposed that the club investigate the preparation of an annual runLawrence calendar.  The calendar will contain monthly pictures of club members as well as Lawrence and KS runners and races.  The goal is to have the calendar ready for sale at the Thanksgiving Day Race.  A committee was formed (Gene, Becky and Brenda) and agreed to meet on Sunday, Feb. 18 at The Merc, 1:00 p.m.

Gene commented on membership renewals.  All 2017 membership expire on Feb. 15, 2018. So far about half of the past members have renewed so far. 

Dee provided an update of the Thanksgiving Day Run.  She is working to get race gloves from Mizuno through Ad Astra.  VanGo wants to double the amount they have been charging for our race awards.  Dee is contacting someone at Haskell University’s art dept. to investigate an opportunity with them for awards.  Dan and several members commented that we thought $1000 for the service was an okay price, noting that the community would be benefited from using local art sources.

Next meeting is March 11.

Dan moved to adjourn, and Dee seconded the motion.  All approved.

Submitted by Brenda Groskinsky