Meeting Minutes, Sun, Feb 14, 2016

Present: Ann Carlin Ozegovic, Dee Boeck, Gene Wee, Karen Hyde, Jason Holbert, Greg Burger, Elizabeth Burger, Becky McClure, Brenda Groskinsky, Lexi Brady, Paul Boone

Brenda called the meeting to order and expressed her appreciation of our supporting her election to president.

The group discussed the applications for funding requests from nine Lawrence Schools, Douglas County CASA, and the KU Running Club. Brenda recommended that we change the wording on future applications from requests for ‘grants’ to requests for ‘donations’ to avoid any implication that runLawrence will oversee the use of the funds after they are given.

Paul moved that the wording be changed from ‘grants’ to ‘donations’; Dee seconded and all approved.

Elizabeth briefed the group on what several of the marathon clubs are doing; i.e., pooling funds between two clubs, collaborating with each other, and coming up with innovative prizes for participants. There was some discussion about how to determine the amount for each group, and it was decided that this year each group should be given $500.00.  The group decided that since the application doesn’t ask for specific amount it would be unfair to give a greater donation to a group that had requested a higher amount than other groups.

Paul Boone moved that each of the 11 applicants be given a donation of $500.00.  Greg seconded the motion and all approved.

In addition to these 11 donations, the club approved in January a donation in the amount of $3000 to Woodlawn School, the Thanksgiving Day Run host school, and a $200 donation to RRCA to be designated to the Kids Run the Nation youth program.

Elizabeth will contact the 11 applicants to inform them of the upcoming donation and will invite them to attend a reception on Sunday, March 6th to be held at a meeting room at LMH where they will receive their checks. On that date the executive committee will hold a brief meeting beginning at 4:30, and the reception will be at 5:00. All runLawrence members are invited to attend either or both events.

Brenda briefly explained that the Environmental Protection Agency, her employer, had to give her permission  in order to serve on a non-profit board. As a federal employee, she has influence over a lot of groups that ask for federal funding. She will occasionally have to excuse herself from discussion on some issues to avoid conflict of interest in terms of federal funding and/or regulatory action.

Jason gave the treasurer’s report.  Currently runLawrence has a balance of $23,140.30. A recent check was written to RRCA for $200.00 and another check to Dan Kuhlman for $47.50 to pay for snacks at the Groundhog Day event at Ad Astra running store.

Elizabeth moved to approve the minutes from the January meeting; Ann seconded, and all approved.

Appreciation was given to Dee for her work on the Lawrence Pedestrian/Bike Task Force.  Dee drafted a letter from runLawrence in support of the task force’s recommendations and read it to the group.  Ann moved that we send the letter; Jason seconded, and all approved.

There was much discussion about our current bylaws, specifically, how will we define a quorum at future executive meetings in order to vote on proposals concerning the club. Dee moved that a small group of volunteers (Brenda, Gene and Dee) should meet to come up w/ a possible change to the bylaws and will present their findings at the executive meeting in March.  Elizabeth seconded, and all approved.

Elizabeth moved that we approve $3,600 to allow 3 club officers to attend the RRCA convention in Dallas on March 17-19. Dee and Jason seconded, and all approved. (In January, the club approved that the club will pay registration and hotel expense for Gene and Dee to attend.)

runLawrence will have a 4 person Brew to Brew team consisting of Brenda, her daughter Lexi, Jason and Karen. The team will welcome one more member if anyone is interested.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Hyde