Meeting Minutes, Sun, Feb 9, 2014
(approved March 9, 2014)

Members Present:
Heather, Jason, Gene, Dee, Dan, Becky, Paul, Celeste, Elizabeth, Greg, Kendra, and Heidi

There were a few discrepancies in donations to Marathon Clubs that were reviewed. Woodlawn Marathon Club was listed as receiving $300 and Kendra thought that it was approved to receive $500.  Dee motioned that we leave as $300 and then review past notes to see what the actual amount was that the Board approved. Heather seconded that motion. Also, it was decided that both Langston Hughes and Sunset Hill would both receive $300 and Pinckney would receive $200 based on late requests.

Jason motioned to approve the January minutes as submitted, Dan seconded, approved unanimously.

Jason reported that the club account has $21,524.33 as of the start of February.

Becky spoke on Molly Wood’s behalf in Molly’s interest in attending the RRCA Running Coach Certification in March.  Molly currently leads a running group for runLawrence. Becky motioned that runLawrence either pay for a 5th person to attend the certification clinic or that we split the total cost for all 5 attendees so that everyone receives some help with registration fees and transportation. Kendra seconded that motion.  Heather decided that all 5 people who have registered for the RRCA Clinic, first attend the clinic and then submit a written request based on each individual’s cost.  The board will decide what to reimburse to each person.

It was suggested amongst the Board members that for future donations to Marathon Clubs and other groups that we need to come up with a form for each requesting school to fill out and based on their needs and other criteria, to determine the amount of money that runLawrence will donate.  Dan and Elizabeth are going to work together to develop more clear criteria and a form that will be available for any groups to complete.


Dan has the 6th grade running program website up and running.  It will start on Tuesday, March 11th and go through April 24th. It will take place on every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

Dee and Celeste are in charge of an exchange point for Brew to Brew on April 6th.  They would love some help so if you would like to offer your services, please contact Dee Boeck at  All volunteers get a free meal at Liberty Hall afterwards.

Meeting was adjourned with a motion by Dan and seconded by Paul.

The meeting was brief as runLawrence board members presented checks to Marathon Clubs in the atrium of Lawrence Memorial Hospital at 5pm.  There was a great turnout and Gene was able to get some great pictures of many of the Marathon Club representatives.

Next meeting will be on Sunday, March 9th at 4:30 pm at LMH. The previously scheduled meeting that was set for Sunday, March 4th was postponed due to the weather.

Submitted by
Heidi Matsakis