News: Nov-Dec 2022

Dec 26

Several fun runs were held before Christmas. Here's the group at Ad Astra Running store. They ran a Noel route designed by J Jenkins on Christmas Eve Day.

Dec 19

From the Kansas Road Racing Records:

Runners of the Year - Our 2022 selections for Kansas runner-of-the-year feature a three-way tie by versatile runners who qualified for the state honor roll at a range of distances.

Janeth Sumpter, Nancy Rusanowsky, and Trudy Calloway (photos above, L-R), all of Wichita, had particularly outstanding performances in 2022. Six other runners were also recognized for their outstanding performances.

More details on the runners of the year and others with significant accomplishments.

State of the State's Running, 2022

The number of road races on USATF-certified courses in Kansas increased from 2021 numbers but still not to pre-pandemic levels.

Twenty-eight 5K races were held in 2022, up from 20 the previous year, including 14 stand-alone 5Ks that were not held in conjunction with longer events. In comparison, 58 5K races were scheduled for 2020, prior to pandemic restrictions.

A total of 53 races at all other distances were held, compared with 48 last year and the 87 that were initially scheduled for 2020. More

- Dick Lipsey, Steve Riley & Gene Wee, Kansas Road Running Records

Dec 12

Want To Encourage Young Runners? Here Is What to Do And What to Avoid.

When the two-time Olympian Kara Goucher was a child, she was used to seeing her grandfather run five or six days a week, but she never thought of it as a sport because he did not race. She did not discover organized running until middle school. more
(Jennie Coughlin, New York Times, Dec 10, 2022)

Dec 7

We have photos from the Thanksgiving Day Run. Special thanks to John Knepper for his fine work. More


Dec 6

A couple of free fun runs next week for the holidays. Check the "Coming Events" listings for details.

Dec 4

Special thanks to Doug Hewitt for distributing our Thanksgiving Day Waxman candles to all our sponsors. We appreciate the help appreciating our supporters.

Nov 24

Results from the runLawrence Thanksgiving Day 5K. 931 people registered for the run this year in perfect weather: 44F, sunny, little breeze.

Thanks to everyone who signed up to run or walk the 5K. We appreciate the kids in the fun run, all our supporting sponsors and to all the dedicated volunteers helping to make the event a success.

Prize money winners were
1st female: Joanne Male (Winchester, UK)
1st male: Christian Graham (Lawrence)
1st masters female: Kara Schrader (Lawrence)
1st masters male: Zdenko Duris (Lawrence).

Nov 15

At the Heartland Nike Cross Regionals in Yankton, SD. This is a picture of the Free State Girls members of varsity (one didn't attend as she had a soccer event).  The boys were there too but they ran 2 hours earlier so we didn't get a full team picture. We registered as Team Ad Astra.  A group attended the Nike Cross Regionals last year too but it was smaller.  We had 13 total runners and I think 14 parents.

In their section the boys Ad Astra team was 5th/36 teams & the girls were 7/41. They didn't combine the totals of all the sections so we don't know how they did compared to all 4000+ runners,  but I think both groups did amazing!

Cayman was aiming for sub 20 & ran a 20:21 so now she has to "work" to get that time next Thursday... fingers crossed it won't be quite as cold at the Thanksgiving Day race! - Cristal Barnes

Nov 14

Todd Chandler shares his latest video from this year's Shoreline Shuffle. The Lawrence Trail Hawks Shoreline Shuffle is such a fun course. You start by running down two sets of stairs, head east, descend to the rocky, technical Red Trail along the shore, head west, past the stairs, climb up to White Trail, head back east, and then finish with a final climb up the stairs. Todd can be seen at many trail runs in the region with his videocam and is also the president of the Trail Hawks.

Nov 13

23 degrees at the start, but it was sunny for the KU Vets Day 5K. 372 finishers at the Lawrence course plus afew more running virtually all over thre world. Here's David Barfield at the start. Results


Nov 7

Scenes from the Kansas Half Marathon of winners and runLawrence members and friends and other random photos. Full results



Nov 6

The name of the winner of the women's race at the New York City Marathon, Sharon Lokedi, should be familiar to Lawrencians. She's a KU All-American in cross country and track and field. Rock Chalk! Photo from the 2017 Big 12 Champs. Here winning time was 2:23:23.
Tweet video

And congratulations to local area runners at the NYC Marathon.

Stephan Pro, Lawrence, M44 (8th), 2:41:00
Zack Sanchez, Lawrence, M37, 3:35:04
Balaji Datti, Topeka, M45, 4:04:26
Bill Gannaway, Topeka, M57, 4:20:27
Carrie Rangel, Lawrence, F46, 4:37:52
All results

Nov 5

Results of Lawrence area runners at the Salina Crossroads Marathon and Half Marathon. All results

Half Marathon
Eli Ferguson, Topeka, M16 (3rd), 1:34:54
Alex Ferguson, Topeka, F23 (2nd), 1:42:25
Ethan Kuder, Carbondale, M19 (5th), 1:43:2
Kristen Wiens, Lawrence, F51 (1st), 1:47:01
Brad Rhoden, Topeka, M69 (1st), 2:09:35
Heather Krase-Minnick, Lecompton, F50 (6th), 2:09:57
Timothy Roe, Bonner Springs, M58 (12th), 2:13:26
Zachariah Fellers, Lawrence, M42 (26th), 2:13:55
James Griffith, Tecumseh, M63 (7th), 2:27:21
Toby Siebert, Topeka, M26 (16th), 2:32:50

Kathy Shobe, Oskaloosa, F48 (7th), 4:56:37

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